
Unsure about which hair dyes will yield the best results? Are your finished colors unexpectedly off-target? Which products will be most effective for a certain class of products? Teluca regularly fields these types of questions and many others from customers worldwide. Our technical knowledge and staff expertise provide unparalleled support and guidance so our customers can formulate at ease knowing we can provide them with the resources and support to guide them.

Technical Support

Our technical knowledge and staff expertise provide unparalleled formulation and technical support to all of our customers. With our roots in hair dye manufacturing, Teluca's exceptional understanding of the unpredictable nature of hair dyes along with our expert formulation knowledge allows us to provide clear direction for our customers, solve formulation issues, color match against any benchmark and continually develop new shades to meet the needs of our customers.


Regulatory Compliance

Teluca continually makes significant investments into understanding and deciphering complex regulatory codes governing the use of hair dyes around the world. Because most markets follow EU regulations, we continually spend much of our efforts following developments there. Staying current with these rules is important to our customers so compliance is a critical concern for us, too.

For regulatory guidance and/or for a detailed EU regulatory status of Colorex dyes, please contact


For regulatory guidance and/or for a detailed EU regulatory status of Colorex dyes, please contact